Ad-hoc collaboration

Part of these packages:

Supported by these technologies:

Your students collaborate with individual students or teams of students from other iTEC schools. The subject area, age group, language and country may be the same or different than your own. Collaboration is driven by the students, and only guided by the teacher. Ad-hoc and serendipitous collaboration is encouraged. Do not instruct your students to contact students they already know in other schools.

Recommended frequency: at least two times, or continually

1. Preparation

Familiarize yourself with the technologies that you will suggest your students to use.

Prepare assessment criteria for this activity.

Ask an active student to demo them to you before facing the entire class.

2. Introduction

Introduce the technologies to the entire class, possibly with the help of the student who helped you before.

3. Activity

Students search for related work, follow others and share resources.

Students present their work-in-progress several times during the course and deliberate how to present their findings to others.

Occasionally, videoconferences or online presentations for collaboration are set up. E-mail and discussion tools can also be used.

Students discuss their experience of participating in the project with students from other classes online.

Follow the progress and provide guidance when necessary.

4. Assessment

Assess and grade the students’ work independently or together. Your existing assessment criteria can be used as a basis to adapt and modify collaboratively.


Involve students to develop transparent assessment criteria for the project with you. Revise the assessment criteria collaboratively during the project. Be open to let personal interests shape it.

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