
Part of these packages: Observe and design, Benchmark and design

Supported by these technologies: TeamUp, Google Sites, Blogger,

The students record, post and share periodic audio updates about their project progression, perceived challenges, changes to the design brief and future plans. The students slowly build a database of learning strategies that is shared with the entire class. The audio recordings and the design brief can be used as a media to prompt reflection, and objects that should be more closely refined after each reflection. Classroom time: at least 15 minutes after each design phase

1. Getting started

  • Decide on the reflection service and set it up.

2. Introduction

  • Explain that each phase of the learning process ends with 15 minutes where each team summarizes their work so far into a 60 second recording. Explain the benefits and reasons for reflection.
  • Emphasize that the reflections are also valuable for the teams so they can update their blogs and later relisten what they’ve done earlier in the process.

3. Activity

  • Teams reflect on the following and record it
    1. What did you do?
    2. What do you plan to do?
    3. What challenges did you have?
    4. Did you overcome the challenges? How?
    5. What challenges can you foresee?

TIP: A steep learning curve might need to be conquered before the activity goes smoothly. Be prepared for possible initial feelings of frustration or awkward moments when first recording reflections. Be assured, after recording reflections a few times, you will begin to recognize the value of your investment.


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11 Responses to Reflection

  1. Sílvia do Rosário Zuzarte Machado says:

    Foi o aspeto mais problemático, pois as reflexões levavam mais tempo do que o previsto e eram muito superficiais. O minuto do TeamUp sobrava. Tal deve-se à pouca maturidade dos alunos e a não estarem habituados a reflectir sobre o trabalho que desenvolvem. Porém, a resistência foi diminuindo ao longo do projeto mas o grau de profundidade manteve-se.
    A resistência ao TeamUp também diminui, mas as dificuldades que tive em aceder a esta ferramenta a partir de certa altura fez com que desistisse de usá-la.

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  2. Anna Keune says:


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  3. Krisztina Varga says:

    1. What worked for you and/or the students and how?
    They had to answer 15 questions at the end of the project. They gave their opinion in the main blog (about the project itself, the merging problems and the solutions they found, the use of ICT, the groupwork etc). They liked that they could tell their opinion.

    2. What did not work for you and/or the students and why?
    My students wrote blog posts instead of audio newsflashes.

    3. Did you observe additional learning outcomes? Which ones?
    When it comes to tell what you think, everybody wants to add his/her own piece of mind. It was great to see that they really wanted to help with their straightforward answers.

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  4. Katalin Skultety says:

    My pupils wrote their opinion on our blog after every lesson, but I will send them a Google-spreadsheet and will share the result. But I know that they enjoyed these activities very much and are waiting for going on.

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  5. Zoltán Farkas says:

    What worked well:
    First they were unwilling to unswer the questions but looking back was useful, because previous ideas, elements could now be judged from a new point of view, and could be fit into the system of the plan in a more organic way.

    First they tried to answer given questions but than quite fastly they got away from them and could reflect ont he happenings in a more general way.

    Additional benefits:
    Reflection happened in a good atmosphere, because pupils could list some experiences which they like to remember despite the problems and barriers of those moments.

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  6. Adil Tugyan says:

    We can see that students share everything the have provided from all their work process ,they learn ,share experiences ,and inspire others or get ideas.But I thing there is something missing,in addition to all these compiled data,wouldn’t it be better if students demostrated a simlpe model of their prototpe design they created from materials available?Maybe I will get the answer of my question in Cycle 4.

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  7. Tânia Santos e Sónia Neves says:

    Devido a vários constrangimentos esta terá sido a parte mais problemática:
    O que é que funcionou para o professor/alunos? Como?
    Ao longo desta actividade houve um incremento da aprendizagem colaborativa e os alunos foram tornando-se mais autónomos. Alguns alunos conseguiram ter a percepção da necessidade de redefinição do desenho inicial.

    O que é que não funcionou para o professor/alunos? Porquê?
    Os alunos não estão habituados a refletir nos moldes propostos e demonstraram dificuldade em sintetizar as suas actividades para um registo de 60 segundos, no TeamUp. Em alguns grupos verificou-se que as reflexões eram muito extensas enquanto noutros eram demasiado curtas.

    Foram observados resultados de aprendizagem adicionais? Quais?
    Na reflexão final da história de aprendizagem os alunos propuseram actividades alternativas, e a utilização de outras ferramentas tecnológicas.

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  8. Luciana Dell'Antonio says:

    The activity of reflection was an important moment in my project. My 41 students (two classes with pupils of the same age) have exchanged ideas and opinions using a blog, email and even in moments in the classroom. Instead, they used team up to reflect on the work of the group.
    The ongoing confrontation between peers has strengthened the capacity to be sure of the knowledge acquired and transmitted to their companions.
    The students have utilized observations of other groups to define more precisely their knowledge path

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  9. Adil Tugyan says:

    Hello Dear friends,
    Did you have any challenges with reflection stage ? if so what was it and how did you overcome it? ı just want to be informed about possible challenges I will have faced during my implementations.Thank you

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  10. Aydın says:

    As it is in the title; Benchmark and design.

    For benchmark as it compiles, some stages and evaluations for the kids would be necessary, and if it succeeds then it can be a good experience for both of job and kids. Google’s api codes can be helpful for this case, or any other tool which can be embeded.

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  11. Anna Keune says:

    check 2

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