Audio/video feedback

Designed into these learning stories:
Tell a Story
Create an Object
Create a Game
Creando un objeto
Creando un juego
Bir Hikaye Anlat
Bir Nesne Oluştur
Bir Oyun Oluştur
Tárgy elkészítése
Játék elkészítése
Contando una historia


Ms L  is familiar with the VLE and is interested in new approaches to assessment for learning through technology.  She agrees with the head teacher to start a pilot project that will attempt a radical change in the way feedback is given to students, and in how students act on such feedback. Over a semester, Ms L agrees with her students on two or three “feedback target pieces of work”. During the production of these pieces of work students submit their draft versions to Ms L for constructive feedback to enable them to improve the final piece of work. However the feedback will not be given during time consuming face-to-face sessions. Instead, Ms L will use IWB recording technology or similar to record her verbal and written feedback as she marks the piece of work.

Ms L has recently been on a professional development course about giving clear and constructive feedback and she includes a number of “recommendations” in her recordings aimed at supporting the students at improving their draft piece of work and she particularly focuses on elements of individual students’ work that needs to be improved in general in their work in her subject.  The feedback produced is stored in audio or video form on the VLE  – or on the  [iTEC resource].  Students can only see the feedback that concerns them by logging in the system with their credentials. They can do so in their own time and in the privacy of their homes if they wish to and then continue with the piece of work, using the feedback to improve it. The system also allows students to enter a quick response to the feedback, letting Ms L know whether they understand the feedback (this could be a simple red, orange, green traffic light feedback system). Ms L can then arrange to meet face-to-face with students who still need further support.

The aim of this new approach to feedback is to help clarify what good performance is (goals, criteria, expected standards), by providing  opportunities to close the gap between current and desired performance, and allowing students to use the feedback to produce improved work. The system could easily allow the teacher to create a “general” feedback, applicable to all students, in which criteria and expected standards are spelt out. Students will be able to access this part of the feedback as a “refresher” in their own time, in addition to the part of the feedback that is tailored to them and hence only visible by them. The VLE could allow the teacher to easily make and edit recordings which have public, accessible by all, sections and personal sections.  The system could also allow other teachers to add their recommendations and make suggestions to encourage cross-curricular learning and assessment. Ms L can track whether the students have acted on the recommendations. She and the head teacher are thinking of expanding the program to the whole school, and they are planning to use the permanent audio records to showcase the school’s good work during future school inspections.


The broad framework of this scenario draws on self-regulated learning and formative assessment; both aim to develop self-assessment (reflection) in learning by helping students identify standards/criteria that will apply to their work.

  • Formative assessment
  • Summative assessment
  • Self-assessment (students self-assess against the feedback given on their draft piece of work as they complete their final piece of work)
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This post is also available in: Turkish

2 Responses to Audio/video feedback

  1. Laura Parigi says:

    Here below some comments from the Pd-Session in Italy:

    -Both teachers would like to know more about the assessment and evalution criteria. -They suggest to explain more about this and about the raccomendations that the protagonist of the scenario refer to.
    -Both teachers agree that the would like to know more about the tools and the virtual learning environment
    -They agree that using videos to provide feedback is a valuable choice, especially in project based learning activities
    -They consider this as a feasable scenario, but they don’t think this method could be extended to all subject and all learning activities, because it is very time consuming
    – This method, according to the Foreign Language Teacher, can help students to perform self evaluation and self correction.
    – The Latin teacher suggests that the video feeback could be suitable for some subject, while others can just use verbal communication in the online learning enviroment for similar purposes.
    – The Latin teacher also thinks that this activity implies a role change for the teacher that should perform a coaching activity with students.
    – For the Foreign Language teacher is interesting to see how this scenario take advantage from students’ mistakes, that acquire a positive value in the learning process.
    -Both agree that, in a more general sense, virtual learning environments are very useful for formative assessment
    They agree that this scenario can create the circumstances for teachers to share more about students’ assessment.
    They agree that the collection of the students’ products and teachers’ feedback can help the school to identify some best practices.

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  2. Anna Keune says:

    Thank you for your summary. We also included it in the PD analysis.

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